SakerPride - "Telling the Saker Story & MORE"
As a kid, (growing up in the mid 60s in Victoria - Cameroon), I sure did my fair share of listening to older peoples' conversations, and although my puerile mind did not quite grasp the undertones that gilded or shrouded them, and even though the innuendos, nuances and other subtleties went right over my head, the NAMES mentioned registered and stuck. These names were the same ones I read about in "CAMEROON OUTLOOK" or heard reported on RADIO BUEA and the same names I read and heard about in the early seventies growing up in Yaounde. When I returned to Victoria - now named Limbe, in 1976 as a student in Saker Baptist College, some of these names had ceased to be in the news, some new names had emerged and some were still very much a part of daily conversation.
These were the names not just of POLITICIANS, but also of LAWYERS, JOURNALISTS, CLERGY MEN, BUSINESSMEN, DOCTORS, ACCOUNTANTS, WRITERS and other unique or peculiar professions. Given the period in Cameroon's History, most of these Men & Women were PIONEERS and TRAIL BLAZERS in their respective fields of expertise, and many of them have since passed away.
Unfortunately, because the tendency, when it comes to preserving our Public and even Family history, has been to rely on passing on information by word of mouth, instead of writing it down and meticulously archiving it so it is easily available for posterity, once these people who once were an integral part of our daily lives get older or transition, they are, (with the exception of some of the prominent politicians), barely remembered or known by people other than their family members or close friends. Needless to say, the "situation" will only get worse as emerging generations are too young to know much about these names which have little or no significance to them, other than the fact that they might happen to be the last name of the odd classmate or acquaintance! Small wonder then that, when their school teacher asks them to write a Paper or an Essay about "someone who made a difference or an impact in his community or country", our children write about ABRAHAM LINCOLN, FERDINAND MAGELLAN, MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. etc. or even TUPAC SHAKUR & LIL' BOW-WOW.
While I am not willing to engage in any argument for or against our children writing about the aforementioned people, I thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea to provide them with some sort of a one-stop-shop pool of information about their own (Great) Grand Parents, and forebears who also did make a difference in their respective communities at their disposal, so they actually have "other easily accessible options". As for my peers - and other older and slightly younger generations, my hope is that the PICTURES and PROFILES on this "ALMANAC" Page will remind them of people they knew or still know, (as the case may be), who have left their mark on the ANGLOPHONE CAMEROON SCENE OF THE 60s, 70s and Early 80s.
The scripts that accompany the posted pictures are APOLITICAL, NON-ANALYTICAL and "MATTER-OF-FACT" in nature to the furthest extent possible, because my intention is not to "pass judgment" on anyone, but to present the facts as I have been able to glean them, mostly from the PROGENY of the Characters themselves. Needless to say, the "project" is also IN-EXHAUSTIVE, because, neither the "List" of people profiled itself, nor the information provided about them, could possibly be otherwise!! Read On!
10th February 1932 - 25th April 1977
36 years ago, On April 25th 1977, Mr. SYLVESTER KINDZEKA KILO, one of the most illustrious sons of the North West Region passed on to eternity.
There are a good number of people who knew him personally and interacted with him. Others only heard about a great man who touched the lives of many. How many do really remember him after 36 years?
Late Mr. S. K. KILO was born at Sob, Jakiri sub division in Bui division, North West Province on February 10th 1932. KILO ALPHONSE was his father and Mama SHANG SKIYKI ANNASTASIA, his mother, both of blessed memory.
Late S. K. KILO attended Shisong Catholic mission primary school from 1941 to 1947. He did his secondary school course in St. Joseph’s College Sasse from 1948 to 1952. On completion, Mr. S. K KILO entered the civil service as a Government Cooperative Inspector. He was later sent to Ibadan Cooperative College where he graduated and started work in 1955 as the first qualified Government Cooperative Inspector of Southern Cameroon. Mr. KILO resigned from Government service in 1959.
In 1959, Mr. S. K. Kilo commenced in business as a registered building contractor. He managed several businesses which included;
- The first agency in Cameroon in the sale of Toyota vehicles.
- Sales and distribution of Jute bags
- Running a comprehensive secondary school in Sop, Kilo Comprehensive College, his village of birth, and
- Building contracts.
His company, KILO Brother’s LTD. was an employer of over 300 Cameroonians including expatriate technicians. As a business magnet, late Mr. S. K. Kilo contributed immensely to the development of this great Nation, Cameroon.
Up to the time of his death, Mr. S. K. Kilo had served Cameroon in the following capacities
Bui Section President for eleven years
Vice president of the economic and social council
Member of the Cameroon Chamber of Commerce
Member of Mutuelle Agricole, an insurance company.
Secretary of Denmark International Seminar where he represented Cameroon in 1966.
(**Culled from information submitted to SAKERPRIDE by his daughter, Dr. Asheri Kilo Fofung)
Please CLICK ON ICON BELOW to read entire document!
Building Contractor
29th April 1929 - 31st August 1990
Mr Daniel Awah Nangah was born in Mbatu on April 29th 1929, in a very humble home to Tata Nangah and Mama Monica Bih. His formal education was basically first school leaving certificate or standard six as it was called in those days. He did a lot of jobs including working with the Prison Department in Bamenda, as a warder. He then worked in PWD (Public Works Department), and it was while working there that he discovered his gift and inborn skill in construction. He then started Nangah Company Limited in 1962 and established the head office in Buea. He bulit the railway station in Kumba. He simultaneously had Nangah Produce Company which worked with the cooperatives in West Cameroon to sell coffee and cocoa, snd ran the mail service which transported mails for the post office all over West Cameroon. His success can be measured by all the NCL buildings still standing strong all over Cameroon. He was a member of the Economic Council Board of Director of CAMSHIP, Lions Club and other government parastatals. He was a self-made man who worked hard and built a name for himself from basically nothing. He died on August 31st 1990.
(**Summarized from material submitted to Saker Pride by his daughter, Ms Amalia Nangah-Obi)
17th July 1942 - 8th April 2008
Chief Ray Ajebe Ejedepang Koge was born during the Second World War. He spent 38 of his 66 year existence in Victoria/Limbe. After attending Primary School in his village, Ndom and in Nyassosso, he proceeded to the Basel Mission College, Bali. Upon graduating he taught at the Basel Mission Colleges in Kumba and Besongabang, after which he sat and passed the Entrance Exam into the Pharmacy School of Ife University, in Nigeria. He was awarded a scholarship by Mr. O. E. Effiong, the Nigerian Proprietor of Rainbow Chemist, Limited, the first private chemist in Anglophone Cameroon. He graduated from Ife in 1970 and returned work to work for his benefactor at Rainbow Chemist. Mr. Effiong was so impressed with his work that, when he left for Great Britain to study Ophthalmology, he left Mr. Ray Koge in charge of the Pharmacy and he subsequently sold it to Mr. Koge when he decided to return to Nigeria. Mr. Ajebe Ejedepang Koge owned and managed the pharmacy - which is still in operation now, until his demise in 2008.
(**Summarized from material submitted to SakerPride by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sylvie Koge)
Mr. Daniel Mbeng Takor, better known simply as DATA - the name of his Business Enterprise and a combination of the first 2 letters of his first and last names, was born on the 28th of November 1951, in Nchang, Manyu Division. He did his Primary Education at the Basel Mission School in Mamfe Town, and his Post Primary Education at the MAHOP Electrical Company in Victoria (Limbe), and the London-based International Correspondence School, obtaining a Diploma in Electrical Installations. Mr. Takor who is married with 6 Children is the Proprietor and Managing Director of 3 thriving Business ventures:
- DATA HOTEL in Mamfe, and
- DATA@NET.COM in Limbe
Aside from his professional work, he is very active in the Presbyterian Church as a whole, and in his Bota Congregation specifically, where he has been an Elder from 1980 to date, and Chairman from 1990 to 1998. He has been a Presbytery Patron of the Hallelujah Choirs Association from 1996 to date and the National Patron the Temple Choirs, from 2008 to date as well.
His wife of 36 years, Mrs. Eyere Takor had this to say about him on the occasion of his 60th Birthday Bash last year, which sheds more light on Daniel Takor, the Man she met and got married to, in 1977:
We would both wear our jeans, get on his Kawasaki 80 motorbike and race through the streets of Victoria. I learned more about him during those early days. His Mom had died when he was only four and so he lived with his maternal grandmother and cousins, and relied on them and sometimes on friends and total strangers to survive. The last of them was Late Chief Ayuk Enow Takang and it was during this time that he started his own business.
I met him five years after he had set up his business – the story about how he did it still fills me with wonder and pride! His first business was set up with 5000 francs! He would buy light bulbs and install them in households. Soon, he had saved 30.000 frs and could buy larger quantities at a better discount. Two years later, he set up DATA Electrical Enterprise.
My husband had the qualities that make a good businessman and consequently, success followed. His acronym became synonymous with punctuality, hard work, attention to detail and respectfulness. Consequently, he impressed both the General Manager of Barclays Bank Cameroon (later BICIC and now BICEC) at the time and Late Pa Njike of the Central Bank, who provided sterling references for him as a man who could solve any household or office electrical problems. Soon the work came rolling in, and alongside came the commensurate lifestyle, which included lively parties at the SS Club Bota and Golf Club,Tiko!
Over the years, He has had one policy which I think has served him well . “Don’t look at others with their lands and gold and wish you were like them; Go out there and look for your own thing."
Please CLICK ON ICON BELOW to read a more detailed biography
27th January 1906 - 13th March 1994
Mr.E. K. Martin was born in Victoria in 1906, to Late Samuel Luma Martin and late Catherine Muindo. He attended the Victoria Government School Primary & Secondary Departments from 1917 through 1926, becoming one of the first students of the then Normal College that was started in Victoria and transferred to Buea in 1927. He was a student at the University of London, Institute of Education, from October 1947 to June 1949, completing the thesis for his diploma in November of that same year.
He married Late Hannah Nene Steane, and they had 8 Children - 6 girls and 2 boys, all of whom went on to play significant roles in the development of Cameroon.
The bulk of his career was spent in the Service of the Baptist Mission and the Cameroon Baptist Convention. First he worked in 1961 and 1962 as a tutor at The Baptist Teacher Training College (B.T.T.C.) Soppo - Buea, and then he served as the Education Secretary of the Cameroon Baptist Convention from July 1962 to August 1971. He is known to have been very instrumental in the acquisition of the land upon which Saker Baptist College, which opened its gates in 1962 and still waxes strong today, was built. Late Mr. E.K. Martin passed away on the 13th of March 1994.
Please CLICK ON ICON BELOW to read a self-written, detailed Curriculum Vitae which outlines his Family & Career Life
Newspaper Journalist
1927 - 1979
1932 - 7th October 2000
Mr. KAMGA JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN was born in 1932 and got married to miss Lima Isabelle in 1952, with whom he had 9 children, most of them born in Victoria (Limbe)
He came to Victoria in 1963 and worked for NANGAH company for 3 yrs as civil engineer. He then started his own company which was called HACAME, and built a lot of houses in Victoria.
His hard work made us feel he was a rich man as we never lacked anything and never experienced hunger. Very strict and could not tolerate his kids being tempered with. He became very popular in Victoria, as he even opened a night club called SAFARI in Church Street. He lost his wife in 1984, and he died on the 7th of 0ctober 2000.
(**Submitted to SakerPride by his daughter, Ms Chantal Kamga)
29th February 1932 - March 6th 2020
Mrs. Gwendolyn Etonde Burnley is a Former Member of Parliament and the Winner of the "Woman of the Century Award" (alongside, Ann Marie Nzie and Josepha Mua), an Award initiated by the government of Cameroon in 2000.
Gwendoline Etonde Burnley, backed by a rich educational back ground has in her socio-political career made herself a baobab in Cameroon's hall of fame.
She was born in 1932 to Hannah Nene and the Baptist Educationist, Ernest Kofele Martin. Burnley attended her primary school in Cameroon, secondary school in Nigeria and universities in the United Kingdom and The Hague. She has a degree in English Language and Literature and a diploma in social welfare policy. Back home with a good academic background and the guts of a brave woman Burnley began making a name.
She was appointed Education Officer in 1959 and Administrative Officer in 1961. She held various posts of responsibility in different ministries in the West Cameroon civil service including that of Principal Administrative Officer.
As early as 1968 the young lady was elected into the West Cameroon Legislative Assembly where she was the only woman out of the 29 members. She served in the House as secretary of the Bureau.
In 1973, following constitutional changes, she was elected into the National Assembly and was amongst the only 5 women of the 120 members. Burnley served two terms again as deputy during which time she was made vice chairperson of the social affairs committee and member of various committees.
In parliament she represented Cameroon in several national, regional and international conferences and meetings especially on women-related issues. The politician also spent a better part of her time working with other women to introduce NGOs, prominent among which were the West Cameroon Women's Institute which became an affiliate of Associated Country Women of the World, Soroptimist International, Federation of Business and Professional Women.
A Die-hard environmentalist, Burnley was the pioneer chairperson of "Friends of the Limbe Botanic Garden" and is the executive president of a local NGO concerned with the management of the natural resources of Bimbia-Bonadikombo Forest Area. In her rich career, Burnley taught courses in "Women and Development" and Gender in Pan African Institute for Development and is consultant to several local, national and international NGOs. She has served as chairperson for the National Advisory Board for the Advancement of Cameroon Women and has made enormous contributions to the mobilization of women for development and empowerment. Burnley is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Refining Company, SONARA.
Since 1967, the lady has held various positions within the ruling political parties. She has been president of the women's wing of the CNU for Limbe sub-division for 5 years.
All through her career, Burnley's urge to see the growth of women has been insatiable. As a central committee member and assistant secretary for women affairs of the ruling party in 1985, she did a study on the representation of women in councils and other positions and forwarded a proposal to the Head of State for a review of the situation.
Burnley has received national and international awards, among which are Knight (1968) Officer (1981) and Commander (1994) of the Cameroon Order of valour.
She was married to prominent Agronomist, the late R..E.G. Burnley who passed away on the 28th of November 2006, and they have six children.
(**Excerpt from The Herald newspaper, December 29, 2000, with additional information submitted to SakerPride by daughter, Clementine Burnley)
Member of Parliament
Mr. & Mrs. E.K. Martin with their youngest son, Late Carmichel Esukise Martin.
(**Photo submitted to SakerPride by the Witts)
Father, Son & Grandson.
3 generations of Ajebe Ejedepang Koges!
(Photo submitted to Saker Pride by his daughter, Mrs. Ethel Obenson Abangma)
**Photos & Information submitted to Saker Pride by Family.
Photos from Personal Collection and
"portail du gouvernement du cameroun" website)
22 March 1934 – 3 June 2005
He served as the second Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) from 1972 to 1974.
Mr. Nzo Ekangaki was born in Nguti, Kumba Division. After studying in West Germany, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Cameroon in 1961, and he became a member of the National Federal Assembly when the two Cameroons were united; he was re-elected in April 1964. On 14 February 1962, he was named Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and on 25 May 1965 he was named Minister of Labor. He served in the latter position until he was elected Secretary-General of the OAU during the 19th meeting of the Council of Ministers of the OAU on 15 June 1972 in Rabat, Morocco. He succeeded Diallo Telli of Guinea, who had served as Secretary-General of the OAU for 8 years, and was succeeded, upon his resignation in 1974, by another Cameroonian, Mr. William Aurélien Etéki Mboumoua.
After his resignation, Mr. Ahmadou Ahidjo, then President of Cameroon, appointed him to work as Technical Adviser at the Ministry of Territorial Administration where he remained from 1974 to 1985. Subsequently, Mr. Ekangaki worked at the Presidency as Adviser for Administrative Affairs under President Paul Biya from 1985 to 1989.
Mr. Ekangaki died in Yaoundé on 3 June 2005 at age 71 and was buried in Nguti on 25 June.
(**Culled from information on the net. Please Click on Link below to read a more extensive article on his life and career, written by Mr. Walter Wilson Nana and published in Up Station Mountain Club:
Political Figure
The Argenta Images Photo above shows Secretary General Mr. Nzo Ekangaki (Right), welcoming Zaire's President Mobutu Sese Seko to an OAU Assembly Session in 1973
Mr. Michael Tifuhangob Fomukong
October 26 1932 -
Mr. Michael Tifuhangob Fomukong fondly called Pa Fomukong by the Limbe community is a member of the pioneer batch of the prestigious Basel Mission College, now called Cameroon Protestant College (CPC) Bali. He attended the college from 1950-1955. Upon his graduation, he joined the United Africa Company (UAC) in 1956 as Accounts Clerk and later rose to the position of Branch Manager for Kumbo, Bamenda and Mamfe. With a quest for bigger challenges in life, Mr. Fomukong joined SONAC (Societe Nationale du Cameroun), as goods manager in 1962 and in 1970, rose to the rank of District Manager in charge of former West Cameroon, representing Victoria (now Limbe), Kumba, Mamfe and Bamenda. He served SONAC in this capacity until its liquidation in June 1972. Having acquired sufficient skills in business management, Pa Fomukong went into private business, and in 1973 started RELIANCE COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE in Limbe, which was the first ever Cameroonian-owned supermarket in Limbe, famous for serving the Victoria community with supplies of a wide variety of quality household goods and liquor. Pa Fomukong’s interest and dedication to excellence in education was revealed while, as one of the proprietors of the National Comprehensive Secondary School Victoria in the 80s, his school policies, coupled with his strictness and discipline style, earned him the name “Moustache” by students at the time. His love for education has seen him take many children under his wings and provide them with quality education. Something which he still does today even though retired from active service. His emphasis on quality education has seen him inspire all his children to be professionals in various works of life.
Pa Fomukong is a well respected senior citizen, a veteran, and a man of integrity in the Limbe community. He is a committed member of the Christian Men Fellowship (CMF) movement of the Presbyterian Church, Beach Limbe congregation, the longest serving organist of the Presbyterian Church Beach, Limbe and also long time member of the finance as well as building committee of the church until his retirement from active service. While working in Mamfe he was also an elder as well as church treasurer in Presbyterian Church Mamfe Town. Pa Fomukong remains the backbone and uniting force behind the Meta people in Limbe, having played a crucial role as president of the Meta Cultural Development Association ( MECUDA) in the 80s which saw him being crowned as the first “Ntum Nfon “( fon of fons) by the chiefs in meta. He enjoys mentoring young men and has made enormous contributions to the development of the Limbe community at large, and more especially as CPDM sub-section president in the nineties. He is an honest and humble character with a very good sense of humour even in his old age. Pa Fomukong is noted for blowing the whistle in church and in the community when men and women disrespect financial management and accountability principles. Pa Fomukong remains a father to all and sundry.
(**Picture and Script Submitted to SakerPride by Family, via daughter, Mrs. BIH FOMUKONG ATANGA)
October 12 1933 - August 27 2009
Fon Fosi Yakum-Ntaw was born Joseph Fosi Ghogomu on October 12th, 1933 in Bambalang. Due to lack of schools in his village, he did primary education in Native Authority ( NA or Local Government) schools in Ndop, Mamfe and Bali. After obtaining his first school leaving certificate in 1949, he proceeded to CPC Bali until December 1954 when he obtained his Cambridge Overseas School Certificate.
His first job was teaching at the Basel Mission ( Presbyterian) School in Kumbo. He then began his civil service career as Treasury Clerk in July 1955, then moved to the Police Department as Inspector at the Southern Police college, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Two years later he did Military training in Kaduna and moved to the Detective Training School, Wakefield, England, simultaneously with Military Intelligence Training at the Home Office (MI.5) In England. Then followed another professional training for senior police officers at the Scottish Police College, Kinkardin-on-Forth, UK. From 1965-1968, he read Law at the University of London & Inns od Court School of Law, London, and after obtaining his Bachelor of Law (LLB) in August 1968, he passed His Barrister at Law exam that enabled him to also be called to the Cameroon Bar.
Upon his return to Cameroon, he succeeded his father and became known as Fon Jospeh Fosi Yakun-Ntaw. He worked in the police force and moved through the ranks until he became a six star Police Commissioner, and head of the Criminal Investigation Department for West Cameroon. He was then transferred to yaounde as Deputy Director of Judicial Police, and later appointed Director of General Administration at the Delegation of National Security. He was appointed governor of the South West province in December 1974 by President Ahmadou Ahidjo unti l 1983, when he was appointed governor of the North provinve by President Paul Biya, where he served until his retirement in April 1991.
While on retirement, Fon Fosi Yakum-Ntaw was appointed as member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, where he served until his death on August 27th, 2009.
(**Photos & Script Submitted to SakerPride by his daughter, Mrs. Anne Yakum Fondufe)
October 15 1938 - May 5 2003
He was born on October 15, 1938 to Pa Jacob Gwellem and Ma Lucy Niifuke at Bobong – Kom in Boyo Division, North West Province. He attended St. Anthony’s School, Njinikom. Kom 1947-1954; Ocean Art Technical School, Abakaliki – Nigeria where studied Commercial Art, Draughtsmanship and Cartography from 1955-1959. He switched to journalism in 1960 and enrolled with the London School of Journalism and the Bennett College Ltd. completing with Diplomas in Journalism. In 1962 he was appointed Staff Reporter of “Cameroon Times” for Bamenda Province and in 1963 was transferred to Victoria as a Sub Editor. In 1964 he was awarded a scholarship by the German Foundation for Developing Countries to study Mass Communication at the International Institute of Journalism (IIJ) in Berlin – Germany. On completion he enrolled with the Extension Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) and studied Journalism and mass communication by correspondence. Thereafter he further studied newspaper editing and management techniques with the Newspaper Institute of America (NIA) in New York. In 1978 he won The British Council award and studied Modern Techniques in Journalism at The Thomson Foundation Editorial Study Centre in Cardiff, South Wales U.K. The programme involved internship with the “South Wales Echo” and “Western Mail” newspapers in Cardiff, “Daily Mirror” and “BBC” in London. He was killed in a motor accident in Yaounde, on May 5th 2003.
**Pictures and Documents submitted to SakerPride by his Daughter & Son: Ms Flora Gwellem & Mr. Valentine Gwellem.
PLEASE CLICK ON LINK BELOW TO READ AN ARTICLE featured in THE CHIA REPORT, which was written by Mr. Francis Tim Mbom, and first published in THE POST print edition no 01434
1920 - 2005
Dr. Alexander Baba Gwan-Nulla was born in 1920 in Bali Nyonga, the eldest of 30 children. After primary school in Bamenda, he went to Government Secondary School Umuahia in Nigeria, as no secondary schools existed in West Cameroon at the time. He later entered Government Higher College Yaba, Lagos, completing in 1943.
Dr. Gwan-Nulla taught science in Nigeria from 1943-1946. In October 1946, he entered the University of Glasgow and graduated with a bachelor of Medicine (MB) and a Bachelor of Surgery in 1952. From 1952-1954, he served as a Junior Doctor in Scotland and England to acquire practical experience.
In May 1954 he returned to Cameroon to serve with the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) as its first Cameroonian and black medical doctor. In this position, he covered the medical operations of the corporation which entailed field services like Ekona, Mbonge, Mokonje etc. he resigned from the CDC at the end of 1960 to pursue private practice, setting up MFG clinics in Victoria (now Limbe), Muyuka and Kumba. He would later consolidate and concentrate the practice in Down Beach, Victoria, simply naming it Fobete Clinic. (MFG stood for Mathias Fomete Gwan-Nulla, his father's names). In that same year he lost his father. Succeeding his father as family head, he acquired from him the title Ba Nkom, or Knight of the Bali Nyonga Fondom.
Ba Nkom Dr. A.B Gwan-Nulla was recalled to the CDC in 1963 by the General Manager with the offer of Chief Medical Officer (CMO) a position like the GM hitherto reserved for Europeans. He was the first indigene in that capacity.
On his earlier return from the UK, he delved into politics, joining the Cameroon Society, a lobby group with the likes of E.T. Egbe and Nfon V.E. Mukete. He usually held discussion with renowned politicians like Felix Moumie, Ernest Wandji, members of the civil society like Dr. Happie and elites like Chief Mukete, who visited him in Britain. These people sought his support on various occasions.
He admired the courage of John Ngu Foncha but found politics too murky to be actively involved. He nevertheless tirelessly labored for a promising future for his nation, for which he was decorated.
Before returning to the CDC to assume this new appointment, he went to the University of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for a one year post graduate program in Public Health in June 1964. He served as CMO until March 1971, resigning once again to return to private practice for good, kicking off in a partnership, with MOKOLO NURSING HOME in Tiko and solo, with FOBETE CLINIC in Victoria. A few months later he would set up on his own in Tiko, using the CDC facility to establish FOBETE COTTAGE HOSPITAL, commencing the birth of large scale modern private medical practice in Cameroon.
Having started in his initial endeavor with a six bed operation, he was now at 80 bed capacity. Fobete Cottage Hospital incorporated a laboratory, an x-ray unit, a surgery room, and a dispensary, quickly becoming one of the most developed medical institutions in the country and a household name. Taken unaware by the sudden decision of the CDC to resume its medical services, Dr. Gwan-Nulla was forced to accelerate the construction of his own facility. In early eighties with work just ninety percent complete he moved in as the CDC could not wait any longer. In 1981, Fobete Clinic/Hospital went operational in its present premises at Long Street Tiko.
Ba Nkom Dr. Gwannulla was very active in community affairs. Through his establishments, he gave much needed employment to numerous people directly and several more indirectly. He supported community and organizations. He was a regular donor to his alma maters in the UK, Sasse College (the alma mater of his brother, his nephew and two of his sons), Saker College, CPC Bali (the alma mater of his first child), Presbyterian school Bota, Government school Wovia, The Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, Wovia and Sokolo villages' projects and other groups and institutions.
He was a member of the Presbyterian Churches of Middle Farms and Wovia, and a patron of the Hallelujah choir of the PCC. He was a member of the National Medical Council of Cameroon and he was also a member of Rotary International.
As a pastime, Dr. Gwan-Nulla worked on his plantation in Owe, Muyuka, growing palms, cocoa, coffee, and some local food products. Farming provided him with a diversion and an opportunity for much needed physical exercise. He retired from active private practice in 1997 and took up farming full time. He slowed down when Parkinson's struck, but in his usually resilient and defiant nature, did not stop until his death in May of 2005.
He said that if he had not become a Doctor, he would have been a teacher, explaining that, the way he saw it, these two professions were the best channels for him to impact humanity in a lasting and durable way. He also mentioned that as a teacher, he would have set up his own institution. I imagine he would have done with his school what he did with his hospital and clinic; give the needy and wanting free access and services.
A very familiar name to Saker Baptist College, Dr. A.B. Gwan-Nulla did not only have two daughters, Chantal and Lucie and a grand-daughter, Henriette, go through the college; his nieces Gladys Foncham and Anastasia Gwannulla are also Sakerettes and more importantly, he was a committed donor to and supporter of Saker causes. In fact, many a Sakerette received top notch medical care at his Clinic – FOBETE Clinic, where they were seen, specifically, by Dr. Christina STRAIGHTFIELD. He was a true Saker father and patron, and was considered a member of the Saker family.
For most of his life, Ba Nkom Dr. Alexander Baba Gwan-Nulla lived in his family home in Sokolo/Wovia until his passing. He is survived by one wife, the mother of one of his children, all his children and grand- children, some siblings and a host relatives and friends.
(**Submitted to SakerPride by his son, Mathew Fobete Gwan-Nulla For the family.)
June 12th 1940 – March 4th 2011
Hon. EBENEZER NAMATA EWANGA was born on June 12th 1940 at Konye, to Papa Ferdinand Ewanga and Mammy Susanna Bie Ewanga. After his Primary School education at Krume, Victoria and Kumba, he proceeded to Kings College, Lagos, Nigeria, and later to Yaba Technical Institute, still in Lagos, where he studied Technical Engineering, and graduated with a Higher National Diploma in Technical Drawing.
When he returned home at the end of his studies, he worked with the Public Works Department for one year and later enrolled to study architecture at the University of Lawrence, Kansas in the United States of America. There he obtained a Master of Science Degree in Architectural Engineering and Urban Town Planning. In 1968, he returned home and resumed duties with his former employer until 1971 when he resigned.
While studying in the U.S. Hon. Namata Ewanga met his beautiful wife, Yvone Ewanga nee Williams. On April 7th 1967, they got married in Washington, D.C. Their union was blessed with three daughters and a son.
In 1972, he established a privately owned architectural design firm, NAMATA EWANGA ASSOCIATES, in Limbe. Among the projects he successfully executed were the SONARA RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX, which he did in partnership with his late friend, Mr. E.T. MANGA, the GOVERNOR’S OFFICE in BAFOUSSAM, the then DELEGATION OF MINES & POWER in Limbe & Bertoua, and the NATIONAL PRODUCE MARKETING BOARD COMPLEX in Nkwen, Bamenda.
On the social Plane, Hon. Ewanga (nicknamed “FINE BOY”) was a pillar and prominent leader in amongst the Bakundu People. He was President of the ROTARY CLUB Limbe, and President of VICTORIA CLUB Limbe, remaining a Patron of the latter until his demise. He was also President of VICTORIA UNITED Football (Soccer) Club, President of FECAFOOT and President of Cameroon Architects.
On March 3rd 2011, Hon. N. E. Ewanga went to his village, Konye, to participate in the death celebration of a relative. During the ceremonies, on the 4th of March, he collapsed and was rushed to the hospital in Kumba, but he did not make it. He was pronounced dead at about 11 a.m. that morning.
Dr. A.B Gwan-Nulla
Florida, USA
Dr. A.B Gwan-Nulla being decorated by West Cameroon PM Augustine Ngom Jua
Dr. A.B Gwan-Nulla receiving Mrs. Germaine Ahidjo at the CDC Cottage hospital Tiko
Dr. A.B Gwan-Nulla as a young graduate from Glasgow University
Please Click on Icon above to read an extended version of his Biography that includes his Political Career.
(**Pictures and Information Submitted to SakerPride by his daughter, Mrs.Susan Ewanga Nkembe.)
** The BIO below was written by Mr. D.F. himself in BOSTON, in the year 2002, as part of his last will and testament. It is addressed to his wife, Mrs. Deborah Nguh.
Dec 30th 1935 - December 23rd 2003
1st September 2002
I was born in Kob, Tudig in Mbengwi Sub-Division in the year 1935. I went to vernacular school in Nyen where I spent a short while then left and followed my late Uncle, Mr. J.O.A. Atte who was then a teacher at the Native Administration School at Bambui in the year 1943, and there I went to School. In 1945, he gained employment to work in the General Hospital in Bamenda, so we moved there. He worked there for some time, and then, in 1946, he was posted to Batibo temporarily, and then to Bali Health Center. I continued school there in Bali, at the N.A. school until 1949. In 1950 I went to the village during the holidays but could not return to Bali because of the BALI-WIDIKUM CONFLICT that broke out. I then had to seek admission in the Basel Mission School in Mbengwi, and I finished in 1952. For one reason or another, this ended my formal education.
I then left and came down to Victoria and obtained employment with the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC). The Organization organized commercial classes for Royal Society of Arts (RSA) Examinations for its workers and since I regretted not furthering my education, I decided to enroll as a candidate. I did well in some subjects and as a result, I obtained permanent employment with the CDC, first as a Typist Grade I (RSA Advanced Typing) and later as a Clerk Grade II (RSA Intermediate English and Arithmetic.
At the end of 1962, I resigned from the CDC and joined the business field to do IMPORTATION. OVALTINE was the main item of import that I introduced, also to the French sector that had never known this product.
(*He was the founder, manager and owner of MENEMO ENTERPRISES*)
Before 1962, I began having problems with my health as a result of heart burn. From that year, the pain began increasing even as I continued to do business so during business trips overseas, I did some medical Check Ups. Despite the Medical Check Ups and the treatment I obtained, there was no improvement whatsoever. Instead, my health was worsening. In 1994, I began feeling a burning sensation within my head, my upper back and my ankles, with trembling in my right hand, to the point that I could no longer write properly. I went to many hospitals in our country and was well attended to, but no improvement was forthcoming. Having been sick for this length of time with no improvement, my children undergoing studies in the U.S.A. sent an air ticket for me to come for a Check Up and so I left immediately.
When I resigned from the CDC, I moved to LUMPSUM QUARTERS and attached myself to BEACH CONGREGATION. I joined the Congregation in 1963, and it did not take long for me to be assigned some congregational responsibilities, including being a patron to some groups in the congregation.
In 1965, I was elected Member of the Congregational Finance Committee for a 4 year term.
In 1969, I was elected Elder, and served for 3 years
In early 1972, I was elected CHAIRMAN of the Congregation and served for 26 years. For almost the same period, I served in the Fako Presbytery’s Finance Committee, serving 1 term as the Finance Chairman of the Presbytery. I represented the Congregation in the Presbytery as Chairman for 26 years. The new Church was built during my term of office.
I am Patron of the following groups:
C.W.F Beach Congregation 5. C.W.F. Bonamoussadi Congregation.
C.Y.F. Beach Congregation 6. C.W.F. Kob Congregation
HALLELUJAH Choir, Beach Congregation 7. Father to C.W.F. Fako South Presbytery.
BANA BA LEVI Choir, Beach Congregation
(**Documents & Pictures submitted to SakerPride by his daughter, Mrs. Olivia Nguh Komtanghi. Please click on Icon below to read what she had to say about her Dad in the email that accompanied the material she sent. It sheds light on the circumstances of his demise, and touches on his philanthropic activities.)
Mr. Akotoh Ndang is in the back row, 3rd from right
Mr. & Mrs. Ndang attending their Daughter Shiri's Graduation.
December 29 1939 - February 2001
He was born Dec. 29, 1939 to Godlove Ndangbi and Martha Lum in Santa-Mbu.
His primary education was in Santa-Mbu and he attended High School or Secondary School at Christ the King College (CKC) in Onitsha, Nigeria.
He graduated from High School in 1958 and became editor of the Cameroon Times Newspaper (1961-1964). In 1964 Akotoh was a recipient of the coveted International Institute of Education Scholarship to attend Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. He graduated from Bowdoin in 1967 with a BA in Political Science (Government). In 1968, he graduated with a Masters of Arts Degree from the School of International Training (SIT) in Brattleboro, Vermont
In 1968 he married Katrena Jackson and their daughter Shiri Anyoh was born in 1971. His first job after graduation was at the African American Institute in New York City as the Special Assistant to the Director of Manpower. He returned to Cameroon at the end of 1968 and for the next 26 years worked as a civil Servant with the Cameroon Government. He attended the University of Birmingham, England from 1974-75 where he earned a D. D. A. From 1968 to 1977 he was an Assistant Secretary in the Ministries of Public Service & Finance. In early 1977, he was appointed Technical Advisor to the Minister of Territorial Administration and in December 1977, he was appointed Prefect (Senior Divisional Officer), Manyu Division. In 1980 he became SDO, Donga-Mantung Division. In 1982 he became the Director of the Local Government Training Center (CEFAM) in Buea. In 1981 he received the highest honor given in Cameroon, Grand Chancelier Des Ordres Nationaux. Akotoh also served as the External Chief Examiner and occasional lecturer at the Pan-African Institute for Development (PAID) in Buea.
In 1986, Akotoh was evacuated to the United States due to kidney failure. He received a kidney transplant in 1990 and he died in Feb. 2001 as a result of complications from a stroke.
(**Bio submitted to SakerPride by his wife, Mrs. Katrena Jackson Ndang; Pictures submitted by his daughter Mrs. Shiri Ndang Njiki and his niece, Ms Angeline A. Asobo)
March 3rd 1942 - June 16th 2002
On June 16th 2002 news broke out about 4pm: SAMCO, the unassuming business magnate based in Limbe, Cameroon, had died. The screams of disbelief quickly enveloped the width and breath of Cameroon as people scurried around to confirm the truth. True to our digital age, within hours this information had filtered to his business associates around the world and the calls started coming from the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Austria, Japan, USA and France etc. Sadly, the news was true. Mr. Daniel Tabenyang Menn Iyok, the friendly and humble business man who had come to be known by his business name “SAMCO” had died in an automobile accident at Ombe, along the Mutengene -Limbe road. By the time of his death he had written his name in the annals of history as one of the leading business men in Cameroon, yet his beginnings were quite modest like many of his generation.
The late Mr. Iyok was born in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon on March 3rd 1942 to late Lawrence Iyok of Nchang village and late Johanna Ofundem onekeojongndip of Ossing/Ashum villages – all in Manyu Division of the Republic of Cameroon. He was the seventh child in a family of twelve. He attended Government School Bamenda station and St Josephs Catholic School Mamfe town where he completed in 1957. His academic excellence earned him an immediate appointment as a teacher in the catholic school. In 1959 he relocated to Limbe where he was employed as a clerk with PWD. In 1961 he moved to Barclays bank where he found banking interesting and opted to make it his career. His intelligence and dedication to succeed earned him respect and recognition from upper management who recommended him for further training in banking courses in Lagos, Nigeria. His quest for excellence and job satisfaction led him to undertake correspondence courses with the institute of bankers. He distinguished himself in courses and examinations and this earned him several promotions with increased responsibilities at Barclays and BICIC Banks serving at branches in Limbe, Bamenda and Kumba. In 1967 he married the lovely Lucy Diengwe Iyok née Ekane and the following year his foray in the banking sector came to an end as he contemplated other growth possibilities.
The nature of his banking experience had exposed him to various facets of the business world such as financing that helped nurture his entrepreneurial ambitions. By 1970 he ventured into business full swing and became the managing director of SAMCO, a building and construction company. Within a short space of time, SAMCO had distinguished itself as a reliable company driven by financial integrity. Some of SAMCO projects include the building of Quatre Étage in Bonaberi, Douala which is the home of many financial institutions including Eco Bank and First Trust Bank, and a good portion of Cité SONARA Limbe. SAMCO Company also built a couple of bridges in the Southern and Eastern regions of Cameroon. Mr. Daniel Iyok’s effective leadership skills and people oriented managerial expertise enabled SAMCO to branch out in other business directions resulting in the creation of SAMCO Paper company Ltd, Cameroon Industrial and Civil Contractors (CIACC), Muyuka Agro industrial farms (MAIF), SAMCO Electrical and Civil Engineering company (SAMELEC) and Emballage Metalliques (INDUPAQ). He also partnered with reputable companies abroad such as Vermeer of Netherlands and Cargill in England. His honesty, hard work and integrity gained him a lot of respect from the international business community where his ideas where often highly solicited, something he was quite generous with. He was a member of the American Business Association and a member of the Cameroon chamber of commerce. He did not only represent Cameroon in the international business forum, but he was among the distinguished delegation of African businessmen who were invited to meet the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton at the white house. Even in Cameroon, his influence was not lost on the government. He and his wife, Lucy Iyok, were some of the few Cameroonians invited to meet the Prince and Princess of Wales (Prince Charles and Lady Diana) during the couple’s royal visit to Cameroon.
Despite SAMCO’s undisputed business accolades, the tears that drowned faces on the day he died were shed because of his genial personality and generosity which often found recipients far beyond the boundaries of his immediate family. It was not just financial generosity which saw him sponsoring many children not biologically related to him in prestigious schools like Saker Baptist College, but also a generosity with his time and many talents. He was a natural strategic thinker who was also blessed with a calm and collected communication style. He could be seen on several evenings receiving different sets of people from all walks of life in his company headquarters, in Down Beach, Limbe. To him anything could be achieved with commitment and hard work. This worldview was also evident in several developmental and sociocultural projects he personally initiated or championed such as, the Limbe deep seaport, the Limbe drainage project, the formation of SWELA (South West Elites Association), the building of Catholic Church Newtown, Limbe and the Mamfe Cathedral, a project which his family has continued to be involved with in his memory.
In recognition of his effective leadership style and ease in dealing with a cross section of the society, he took on many leadership positions in the community including the President of Bayang Association for Self Help (BASH), Nchang Development Organization and Victoria club, patron of the Rotary club, Ex -Sakerettes Limbe chapter, Catholic men’s association, Queen of the Rosary choir and the founding patron of Yang Chi-eyeh and several other secular and religious groups. In spite of his lofty position in the business world and his immediate community, Mr. Daniel Iyok’s nicknames captured the simple way he lived. To some of his friends including many young people, he was “Awudu” a nickname which came to symbolize his ability to be young at heart. To his wife, children and close family members he was simply “broda,” a nickname fondly adopted from his older sister, Mrs. Martha Abunaw nee Iyok who lovingly referred to him as such.
But death is not having the last word, Mr. Daniel Tabenyang Menn Iyok Lives on. His wife, Mrs. Lucy Iyok née Ekane, his children, Ayuk Iyok, Senge Mbongo née Iyok, Bessem Egbe née Iyok, Heidi Iyok and Ebob Iyok, 12 grandchildren, several siblings and other close relatives survive him. Even his business ventures are in good hands. An avid advocate of formal education, SAMCO trained all his children in academically renowned schools in Cameroon and later on sponsored them in Universities in England and the United States. Armed with solid academic credentials they are all contributing to the upkeep of their father’s business legacy. Two of them, Senge and Ayuk worked with him directly for nine and eleven years respectively before his death.
Today the company is largely under the leadership of his son, Ayuk Iyok. With a B.A (Hons.) in Economics from the University of Leicester, an MBA in finance from the University of Nottingham and over 20 years of managerial experience at SAMCO, Ayuk Iyok is assisted by his sister Senge Iyok-Mbongo with an LLB (Hons) University of North London and an MBA in Finance from University of Wales College, Cardiff. Mr. Ayuk Iyok who also exudes his father’s legendary simplicity is already proving that the apple did not fall far from the tree. Yes, on that fateful day, June 16th 2002, SAMCO, the man, took his unexpected exit from the world, but his trailblazing ideas live on! Knowing the way he lived, this must be his wish from his resting place:
“If my life blessed yours in anyway, reach out and bless someone else. Blessings are meant to be shared!”
A message displayed even on his tombstone.
(**Submitted to SakerPride by his daughter, Heidi Iyok – Albany, New York)
Mr. & Mrs. Iyok at their Grand daughter, Imani Elad's christening.
Presenting his credentials to Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, as Permanent Representative of Cameroon
to the United Nations at Headquarters.
05 September 1984
United Nations, New York
He participated in the Melbourne-Australia Olympic Triple Jump Competition, as well as in the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games triple jump event.
With his wife, Mrs. Ruth Engo, at his inauguration as Judge at the ITLOS. (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea).
His Excellency Paul Bamela Engo, Sr.
October 21 1931 - April 26 2010
(**Narrated & Submitted to SakerPride by his daughter, Ms Pamela Engo)
His Excellency Paul Bamela Engo, Sr. was born in the beautiful hilly countryside of ABANG ( Ebolowa) Cameroon, where, as he famously noted “ God created the first man” ! He was born on October 21st, 1931 to Fredrick Engo Mimbe and Elizabeth Ekoto Nku’u. (Although October 5th , 1931 was made his official birth date allowing him to attend elementary school in a timely fashion) He passed away on April 26, 2010 and leaves behind to cherish him; his lovely wife Ruth Bamela Engo and eight children namely: Pamela, MaDi (Yondi), Edjoa, Abigail (Nina), Barbara, Teresa, Paul Jr, Africa (Susan), Essomba, a very dear nephew and fourteen grandchildren.
After his mother died due to complications resulting from childbirth in Cameroon, Paul, then 6, moved to Warri, Midwestern Nigeria with his older sister Theresa Engo, to live with his father who worked as an accountant for a British firm. Losing his mother this way deeply affected him throughout his life. Fredrick Engo Mimbe remarried a Nigerian national and Paul was brought up with two step brothers, Leslie and Hope Harriman.
Paul Bamela Engo attended Foreigners School and Edo College in Benin City, Nigeria. He lost his father just after graduating from Edo College. This was devastating for him! With the encouragement of his brother Leslie, Paul moved to England to join his sister Theresa Engo-Pernis, to pursue a law degree at Middle Temple Inn, London. While a student in England, he developed a love for theatre arts and joined a Shakespearean group with whom he traveled to the United States to perform at church sponsored events. It was at one of these performances that he met his first wife; the Late Beatrice Antonio-Engo and got married in 1958. In 1959, he became a lawyer, and was called to the English Bar. Shortly thereafter, he returned to Nigeria and joined the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Justice in Lagos.
On the advice of his late father and uncle (affectionately known as Pa Mandolin), he finally decided to go back home to Cameroon, where he became the first Magistrate in the then West Cameroon. After Independence, he was sent to the International Court of Justice at The Hague to defend the Reunification case that happened in October 1961. This famous case, was the beginning of his illustrious diplomatic career, which started in Bonn, then to Washington DC, and New York as Permanent Representative of Cameroon to the United Nations. On global scale, he was widely known as the President of the First Committee of the Law of the Sea Negotiations. With the creation of the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), he was naturally elected as one of its first Judges.
Paul also excelled as an athlete. Leading up to qualifying for the Olympics, he participated in the Common Wealth Games in the 50s where he received several medals. He then represented Nigeria in the Triple Jump at the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne Australia.
A history of His Excellency Paul Bamela Engo, Sr. and his many great professional accomplishments are referenced in the chronicles of ITLOS, SourceWatch, several magazines and newspapers over the years.
(** Below is a link to one such document that sheds light on his professional and career exploits. It is a 1996 U.N. Press Release that was published on the occasion of the presentation of his credentials, as the new Permanent Representative of Cameroon to the United Nations, to then Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.)
What is written above highlights the PROFESSIONAL CAREER of H.E. PAUL BAMELA ENGO,which was undeniably impressive! However, because he made an even deeper and more meaningful impact as a FAMILY MAN, his CHILDREN & GRAND CHILDREN chose to write down their FOND MEMORIES of him! PLEASE CLICK ON THE ICON BELOW TO READ THEM & ON THE COLOR PICTURE BELOW TO VIEW A PICTURE ALBUM that speaks to what his life was like, away from his official duties!!
Her 60th Birthday!
17 September, 1992
Mrs. Nkuku Nwigwe with President Chiluba of Zambia, (right), and Professor Carlson Anyangwe (left)
State House Lusaka, 1995
**Right: The label behind the picture above, written in his own hand!
Law of the Sea, First Committee, United Nations Headquarters, New York: Mr. Paul Bamela Engo (Cameroon), Chairman of the First Committee.
(From the UN Audio Visual Library of International Law.)
(** Submitted to SakerPride by her daughter, Dr. Mrs. Stella Nwigwe Anyangwe.)
It should also be noted that Mrs. Nkuku Nwigwe consistently wrote for "Africa Woman", as attested in Albert S. Gerard's "European-language Writing in Sub-Saharan Africa", Part 2 and that, from 2 - 6 March in 1981, in the course of championing Women's causes, she also attended the ACOSCA (Africa Savings & Cooperative Association) Regional Bilingual Seminar For The West African Woman held in Dakar -Senegal which was designed to increase women's access to credit through Credit Unions in West Africa. She is listed thus, as a participant in the Seminar’s Official Report:
Mrs. Nkuku NWIGWE, Vice President, Police Credit Union/Buea
and Pedagogic Advisor for Nursery Education
Provincial Delegation for Education
P. 0. Box 15 Buea, CAMEROON
17 SEPT 1932 - 15 MARCH 2000
Born in Victoria in 1932 to Ruth Malafa (Bakweri) and Epandi Ekwe (Douala), Nkuku completed primary school in 1946. There being no post-secondary educational facilities for girls in Southern Cameroons then, Nkuku was one of only two Baptist girls (the other was Mrs Hannah Likali Ikome) sponsored by Baptist Missionaries for the Grade 3 teacher's training course in Abeokuta, Nigeria, from 1946-1949. The 17 year-old Grade 3 teacher returned home in 1949 and started teaching in Buea in 1950.
She was a skillful dancer and she quickly caught the eye of a dashing, young and single Nigerian (Ibo) police constable working in Buea, Mr Christian Nwigwe, who also was an expert ballroom dancer. The two were married that same year and their only child, Stella Chinwe Efosi Nwigwe, was born in 1951. The union did not last long and by 1955, the marriage disintegrated and Nkuku, who had followed her husband to Nigeria, returned to Cameroon with her daughter, and continued teaching. She remained Mrs. Nwigwe, and neither divorced nor remarried.
Thirsty for more knowledge, Nkuku returned to Lagos, Nigeria, in 1960 to pursue the Teacher's grade 2 training course, sponsoring herself. She bagged the diploma in 1962 and stayed on to teach in primary schools in Lagos. With an Ibo name in Lagos, Nkuku and Chinwe were targets of violence when the Biafran war started and so in January 1967, they relocated to Onitsha. With the worsening of the war and the fall of Onitsha, Nkuku escaped with her daughter through the creeks, and returned to Victoria in September 1967. She soon after resumed teaching.
In 1968. Nkuku Nwigwe won a government scholarship (with Mrs Gertrude Ekobena) for a one-year diploma course in nursery education at the Froebel Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark. She returned in 1969 just before her daughter graduated from Saker Baptist College. She was posted as Head Mistress to the Government Nursery School, Buea, the flagship nursery school in West Cameroon. She served in that capacity for TEN years, training many others to be nursery school teachers, and graduating hundreds of children who are now eminent authorities and experts in many fields. (SEE PHOTO ALBUM BELOW!!)
While she was HM of Buea Nursery School, Nkuku Nwigwe sat for and passed the Grade 1 teacher's training certificate, and also obtained a Licentiate. She was later made the South West Provincial Inspector for Nursery Education, a post she held till she retired in 1987.
Nkuku Nwigwe was a consummate writer, and wrote a weekly column, "Aunty Lizzy", in the Cameroon Post newspaper for years. She was also a radio journalist, and had a weekly programme on Radio Buea on civic and women's issues. She was popularly known in Buea as "Sweet Mother", a generous, loving but a no-nonesense community member.
At the advent of multi-party politics, Nkuku Nwigwe opted for the SDF party, and won a seat as an SDF councillor in the Buea Rural Council. She was Elder and congregational secretary of Buea Station Presbyterian church for 10 years, and she pressed hard for the congregation to own a cemetery in the church premises. Incidentally, Nkuku was the first person buried in that church cemetery in 2000!
Nkuku Nwigwe was an avid traveller, visiting all the countries where her daughter served, and many others. When she was invited to tea by the then Zambian president, Frederick Chiluba, in 1996, Nkuku wrote a newspaper article on her return to Buea, castigating local political leaders for being so unapproachable, while heads of state of other countries invited "commoners" to tea! That was fire-brand Nkuku Nwigwe!
Nkuku Nwigwe died in 2000 of cancer that had been in remission for five years, post surgery. Even in her dying days, she insisted on being carried to Radio Buea for her weekly programme. She insisted that her brain and her mouth were not ill.
She is survived by her daughter, son-in-law, two grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
The ITLOS Press Release announcing his demise.
Commissioner of Police, J.C. WALTER
August 21st 1931 – November 19th 2011
Mr. Joseph Cable Walter was born on August 21st 1931 to Doctor Cable Walter and Elizabeth Kiya, both of blessed memory at Victoria. He completed his primary and secondary education there, in Bota and Down Beach respectively.
He was hired by CDC upon completion of secondary school and worked in Victoria and Ekona for a few years.
In the early 1950’s he decided to join the Police Force in Southern Cameroon (Buea), and he started his journey in the big Police Family as a Corporal, and was quickly promoted to a Sergeant. Subsequently, he was sent to work for the Nigerian Police in Ikeja Lagos. At the end of his two-year mandate with the Nigerian Police, he returned home and was quickly promoted to the position of Superintendent, then posted to Tiko South West Province.
He met, fell in love and got married to Pauline Ndi. Shortly after he was again called in for a second one-year mandate with the Nigerian Police in Ikeja, because of the great job he did during and after his first mandate. This time he went with his wife Pauline.
Upon returning home, he worked in Limbe, Kumba, as Police Inspector, and was awarded a scholarship to pursue further studies at the Bramshill Police College, London in the United Kingdom.
When he returned to Cameroon from the UK, he remained with the Police Force , was promoted to Commissioner and worked as Provincial Chief of National Security in Bamenda, Bafoussam, Buea, and as Technical adviser /Professor at the Police College in Yaounde till he retired in 1988.
He admired the courage of many politicians, but found politics too murky to be actively involved. He nevertheless tirelessly labored for a promising future for his nation, for which he was decorated.
He chose Buea for his retirement home and was very active in community affairs. During his retirement, he engaged in Residential/Commercial Construction for several years and enjoyed spending quality time with his family and friends. Worshiping God had a special place in his heart. He led a fruitful life and was devoted to his family and God; he did this diligently until he took ill suddenly in February 2011. Despite concerted effort by his loving family and in-laws, his condition worsened but improved and stabilized but later on declined, until he finally passed on November 19th 2011.
He leaves behind a wife, eleven daughters, seventeen grandchildren, two great-grand-children and many friends and well-wishers to mourn his death.
May his soul rest in perfect peace.
(**Photos and Script submitted to SAKERPRIDE by his daughter, Francisca Walter)
Mr. Niba was the first African to be able to strike a dealership license with the giant Swedish Volvo company in the early 70s. His multi-million dollar plant was established in Mutengene about some fifty miles from Douala where the cars arrived by ship.
With great success as a Volvo dealer, many other European car makers began soliciting business with Mr. Niba and he ended bringing on board Daihatsu from Japan and again became the first African Daihatsu dealer in West Africa in the mid seventies.
In the early eighties, the Niba Automobile Dealership expanded to Douala.
(**Info culled from internet postings. MORE DETAILS ON LATE PA NIBA'S BIO TO FOLLOW ...)
Young Albert Che NIBA as a policeman in Nigeria.
His VOLVO & DAIHATSU Car Dealership in Mutengene.
During one of his countless business trips abroad.
At the grounds of the very impressive Foundation he created in Bafut. (2007)
(** Submitted to SakerPride by his children, Thomas (Joki), Jabea (JJ), Sike, Edimo (Lova), Mboti (Missy) & Welisane (Weli)
August 29 1928 - May 21 1977
Eric Dikoko Quan was born in Victoria (now oddly referred to as “Limbe”), South West Province, Cameroon on August 29th, 1928. Eric who was a Bimbia/Douala native graduated from St Joseph’s College, Sasse with honors and went on to the University of Ibadan, Nigeria for his B.SC. Some of his classmates at this renowned University include notables like the late Chief Peter Effange and world renowned author, Chinua Achebe.
Eric or E.D. as he was known to some of his closest friends did not rest on his laurels after Ibadan.
He went on to complete post graduate studies at Oxford University in England and later at Columbia University, New York, USA. Eric Quan began his professional carreer with teaching stints at St Joseph's College, Sasse, Buea and Eko Boys School in Lagos, Nigeria. This was followed by administrative posts in the Cameroon Public Service in Buea, Kumba and Yaounde after his graduate and post graduate studies. A greater portion of this mild mannered intellectual’s professional career was beyond the borders of Cameroon, representing his country as a Consummate and well respected Diplomat. E.D. Quan held key posts with the Cameroon Foreign Missions at the UN (New York), Bonn (Germany), London (England) and Ottawa (Canada) where he headed the Cameroon Consulate as Charge d’Affaires. He later went on to head the Cameroon Embassy in Washington DC in 1976 for a short period.
It should be noted that these are some of the most sought after and prestigious missions in the Western Hemisphere and while many highly educated Anglophone Cameroon technocrats were often sidelined by the overbearing francophone administration, this Oxford Graduate’s skills and abilities were perhaps not entirely lost on the then head of State, His Excellency El Hadj Ahmadou Ahidjo.
Unfortunately, E.D. Quan passed away a few months after returning to Cameroon during a famous Fathers vs Sons football game at Sasse, Buea in 1977 at the tender age of 49. He was joined in heaven some 6 years later by Mabel Endale Quan or “Mabi’ as he affectionately called his lifelong partner and wife. Eric and Mabel’s six surviving children, nephews and nieces count themselves lucky for the wonderful, exceptionally rich but alas, short time they experienced with a loving and fun loving father /uncle. Indeed, many Cameroonian students in England, Canada and the US often commented on how he opened his home to all, while others reminisce about the good times they had , simply relaxing at a welcoming home or listening/dancing to early Makossa tunes or his eclectic classical compilation at 7801 Glenbrook Road in Bethesda Maryland and at other Quan residences abroad. His peers in the closely knit “West Cameroon” community and others in the Diplomatic community often spoke of an extremely intelligent man who was honest, disciplined, kind and respectful to all. Eric’s children continue to hear nothing but heartwarming stories about him, including, alas some of the tribulations of his short life. Perhaps the most telling statement about E.D. Quan is summed up in the immortal words of his great friend, the late Dr. Bernard Fonlon, aka Cameroonian Socrates: “Eric was ahead of his time.”
Mr. Eric & Mrs. Mabel QUAN
God Rest Your Souls!
L to R: Sike, Weli & Missy